Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Holidays are here

Thanksgiving was so much fun. We are glad Jerry and Julie's family came and spent a couple of days with us. The little ones were so cute. The food was great and as usual I ate way to much. But then what is Thanksgiving for.
Alan and Holly were good about helping get the Christmas lights started, BUT they weren't able to finish. They left on Sunday and the lights haven't been touched since. I think i'm going to have to call on the other sons that live close by to finish it up or they may not get turned on until Christmas. HELP!!! CRAIG & JASON.
I'm having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit.
I even had David put on a Santas hat to help get things going. I've been listening to Christmas music, but i think i just need a little snow to get the Christmas juices flowing. There is just something about that quietness of snow falling.