Ashton was blessed this last Sunday. Great Grandma Gilbert had lots of fun talking to him. he seemed quite interested in what she had to say. Having her there was very special for Jason.

I was watching the kids one evening and we had fun making valentine surprises for their moms and dads.
In Preschool we had our Nursery Rhyme unit and I was the old women who lived in a shoe. We had Jack and Jill, the moon from Hey diddle diddle, two Mary Mary quite contrary's, a baker,a Little bo peep and others as usual it was lots of fun doing nursery rhymes. 

Brycen celebrated his 1st birthday. he liked the cupcake but wasn't to sure about the candle and fire. he got his own little recliner chair from his Grandma and Grandpa Fitzhugh, and he new exactly what to do with it.