I've decided that maybe if i put it down in writing , so every one can see. That maybe I'll have a better chance of keeping my new years resolution. I had my yearly physical and when i got the results of my blood workup back, i had a little note from the doctor, that said my Cholesterol was on the high side. I was a little surprised since I've never had any trouble before. The note preceded to tell me that i needed to adjust my diet, exercise, and lose some weight. OR come in and get some medicine to help lower it. But he would rather me try lowering it on my own. so i have decided to get serious about it. I am trying to eat healthier and i started a more serious exercises routine. I have always been one who enjoys sports especially playing them, BUT the one sport i have never played was basketball. ( Go figure ) short and basketball don't really go together. But there is a group of ladies who play Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. They had invited me to come play with them, so i did and i have enjoyed it. of course they are all about 20 years younger and 2 feet taller than me. But they are very patient and try to teach me the game. They really are a great bunch of girls. Thanks for making feel like i am a part of the TEAM.
I also got Holly a work out tape called "Hip Hop Abs" but she left for school before it came, well i have been working out with it on the days i don't play B-Ball. Boy if you don't think that a 50+ women doing Hip Hop is a candidate for America's funniest home video's. It would probably win the grand prize. But i guarantee you all will never lay eyes on that one. It really is a lot of fun though. So here is a picture for you unbelievers, that MOM really is playing Basketball :0)