Monday, January 12, 2009

Photo Shoot!!!

For preschool the other day we had show and tell. Sam brought her princess dresses, that she got for Christmas. So Grandma decided to do a little photo shoot, while the dresses were here.
The red and white one matched her Snow white slippers, and the yellow Belle dress matched of course her Belle slippers. Sam is our only Princess so far, but we do have 4 handsome princes.


Angie said...

I can't believe how big she is! Sam couldn't get any cuter! She looks so much like Heather!

Over The Hills said...

Sam you are so cute and getting so BIG!!! Watch out grandpa you have another one to watch out for!!! Sue

Miller Family said...

Oh beautiful Belle, I mean Sam. I love the dresses. Too bad they didn't make adult sizes so we could all have fairy tale days with our little girls, nieces, and granddaughters.

So do I need to see what all the hype is about 24? I have never watched it, but didn't want to start so late in the game. Maybe I should do like Jande and go rent the seasons from the library.